Land of the Shprixies.

Uncanny Valley

Uncanny Valley

Shprixieland lies at a crossroads of rural practicality and art dreams.

Magic realism scintillates in the air and tickles your nose with its sweet and subtly euphoric scent. The atmosphere feels a bit thin around here, and it can leave you feeling a little lightheaded, but that’s just because we’re in such close proximity to the event horizon of fantasy.

Ideas are often very fluid. The multiverse is animate in the creative spirit, with all infinite possibilities alive before us simultaneously. In this nebula of imagination, intentions blend with flashes of chance, and they coalesce. In observing...

Alien Potters

Alien Potters

So, you know how aliens use flying saucers, right? Well, a saucer is a little dish that is used under a teacup. And who makes teacups and dishes?

You guessed it! Potters make them.

So if aliens came to this planet in something that potters make, then the obvious conclusion would be that, yes, potters are aliens.

Oh sure, you scoff, but think about this for a second. Potters arrived here at least 20,000 years ago (as evidenced by pottery shards discovered in China). They found a planet experiencing an ice age whose crust was 59% silica (the main component of...

The Shpriken

The Shpriken

Who puts the Shpr in Sprixie?